Practicing bad social media habits during your divorce could affect your final divorce decree. Be wary of what you post on Facebook since anything you share publicly may serve as evidence against your case and during a custody battle. If you have minor children, avoid...
When should I take my divorce to trial?
In the majority of instances, it is better to mediate a dispute rather than take it to trial. This applies to all aspects of civil law, not just divorce. However, if you are in the beginning stages of divorce, it is worth your money and time to consider mediation....
How do you negotiate a traffic ticket?
After New Jersey police pulled you over recently, you received a traffic ticket. You know you have options other than paying it, but what are they? NerdWallet explains how to negotiate a traffic violation. Learn ways to avoid substantial fines and unnecessary marks...
Can traffic tickets impact your CDL license?
When your job relies on a CDL license to operate your truck, you must practice extra vigilance in observing traffic laws in New Jersey. Your employer may provide incentives when you drive so many accident-free miles and maintain a clean driving record. Understanding...
Does New Jersey use red light cameras?
Red light cameras are a controversial subject since they can result in a surprise traffic ticket. It can be weeks after the incident when you receive the notice in the mail, which means you may not even remember the incident. According to The Morning Call, you do not...
What is divorce mediation?
In general, the divorce process can be complex and confusing. To help alleviate some stress and financial strain, some divorcing couples consider alternative methods to complete the divorce process, such as mediation. Couples who are considering their options may...
Is a will or trust right for you?
An estate plan is an excellent way for you to ensure the proper distribution of your property once you die. While you may be aware that wills and trusts are parts of successful estate plans, you may not be fully aware of their uses. Will and trusts have...