Is Mediation Right For You?
Mediation is a collaborative approach to resolving legal disputes. Couples, attorneys and judges here in Florham Park and elsewhere have increasingly turned to this approach to resolve issues for a variety of disputes, but it is particularly useful for families looking to resolve issues amicably and with a sense of cooperation. It is also less expensive than litigation.
Florham Park mediation lawyer Sharon E. Johnson is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable attorneys practicing in this area. She has been certified by the New Jersey Supreme Court as an approved family mediator. Both as a mediator and as a litigator, Ms. Johnson handles numerous high conflict divorces, highly complex financial cases and custody matters on a regular basis.
How The Mediation Process Works
A trained mediator is a lawyer who is a neutral third party whose job is to facilitate communication between the two sides. It can be nonbinding or binding, and often it will be used to resolve as many issues as possible before going before a judge. This can speed up the trial process.
Before the process begins, it is a good idea to set goals for the process that is outlined in a contract. These stipulations can include:
- The two parties agree upon a mediator and how they are to be paid.
- The two parties agree to negotiate in good faith to find a resolution agreeable to both.
- The two parties agree upon how long the mediation process will last.
- The two parties agree upon whether the terms are binding or nonbinding.
Mediation is not workable for all legal disputes, but many find it useful. Even couples with extensive assets have turned to mediation as a way to keep their finances intact and to preserve all family law matters as private, which is more difficult to do if your divorce or family law issue ends up in court.
Contact Us To Discuss If Mediation Is Right For Your Family
To schedule an appointment, please call us at 973-937-8959 or email us.