When high-conflict couples divorce, the animosity does not always end. Despite having children together and how much both of you love your kids, you may struggle to work as a unit to care for your kids.
According to WebMD, parallel parenting involves sharing responsibility for your children with minimal contact.
Create a parenting handbook
Your parenting plan should be specific and detailed. For example, all parenting plans should have the start and end of your parenting time, particular days of visits, what happens during cancellation and which parent has more decision-making power. As a bonus to the parenting plan, create a handbook. A handbook is a form of communication between you and your ex. Let the book travel with your kid. The book may include accidents, injuries, sleeping and feeding times for babies, medical appointments and milestones. You may also include extracurricular activities information about friends and behavioral issues.
Limit your contact as much as possible
Sometimes, you need to have a conversation with your ex. When you need to have a conversation, try to limit it to text or email threads. Some apps may help you save all messages between you and your ex. If your former spouse becomes threatening or intimidating, ignore it. Do not take the bait. Try not to hang onto the little things that frustrate you. For example, if your ex has different rules at his or her house, you need to learn to adjust.
Children who have both parents in their lives tend to thrive. After a divorce, parallel parenting allows you to limit your contact with your ex while keeping both parents in your kids’ lives.